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Customer Service (Salary Up To $1000 / Month) - Da Nang City

Mức lương :

10 - 20 triệu

Hạn nộp hồ sơ :

Đã hết hạn

Khu vực tuyển :

Đà Nẵng

Việc làm này đã hết hạn nộp hồ sơ.
Chi tiết tuyển dụng
Công ty

Thông tin chung

Ngày đăng


Thời gian thử việc

2 tháng

Cấp bậc

Chuyên viên- nhân viên

Số lượng tuyển


Hình thức làm việc

Toàn thời gian cố định

Yêu cầu bằng cấp

Đại học

Yêu cầu kinh nghiệm

1 năm

Mô tả công việc

  • Working hours: 9 PM - 6 AM (Night shift) from Monday to Friday.
  • Collect documents from clients.
  • Constantly follow up with clients and lenders about the status of the loan, making sure the loan is closed properly and on time.
  • Identify any potential issues with the loan application and address them in a timely manner.
  • Follow-Up with Borrowers for Documents: This involves regularly communicating with borrowers to obtain necessary documentation required for the mortgage process. IT's crucial to ensure that all documents are collected in a timely manner to avoid delays in loan processing.
  • Assist Loan Officers in Calculating Income: This task requires a good understanding of finance and accounting. The role includes helping loan officers in determining the income of borrowers, which is a critical factor in the mortgage approval process.
  • Assist Loan Officers on Their Tasks: General assistance to loan officers may include a range of tasks such as scheduling appointments, answering client queries, preparing paperwork, and ensuring that all loan officer tasks are carried out efficiently.
  • Follow-Up with Borrowers on Home Searching Process: In this role, you might also be involved in the home search process, keeping in touch with borrowers about their home search, and providing assistance or advice as needed.
  • Document Processing (e.g., Converting Image to PDF): This involves handling and processing various documents related to mortgage applications. Tasks may include converting images to PDFs, organizing documents for easy access, and ensuring all paperwork is completed correctly.

Yêu cầu công việc

  • Must be able to work nightshift
  • Fluent in spoken and written English is a MUST. Pre-employment English test for candidates at the time of the interview.
  • University/College graduated.
  • At least 1 year of experience working in customer service.
  • Having basic Microsoft Word and Excel skills.
  • Can work under a challenging and high-pressure environment.
  • Submit thorough work that you have double-checked for quality and consistency.
  • Honest, polite, and fair to others.

Overall, the position requires strong communication skills, attention to detail, and a good understanding of the mortgage process. Proficiency in document management and basic financial calculations is also important.

Quyền lợi

  • Competitive Salary $600-1000/month and Monthly Bonus based on performance (Potential $2000/month with bonus)
  • Enroll in Health and Social insurance
  • The 13th month salary and Year-end bonus based on performance
  • Annual Company trips
  • 12 days paid leave per year

Kỹ năng cần thiết

Giao tiếp Tiếng AnhChăm sóc khách hàng.

Địa điểm làm việc

Đà Nẵng, 1066 Ngô Quyền, An Hải Tây, Sơn Trà

Chia sẻ


Địa chỉ:
1066 Ngô Quyền, An Hải Tây, Sơn Trà, Đà Nẵng

Quy mô:
10 - 150 người

Công ty TNHH Ad Astra là công ty outsourcing chuyên hợp tác với công ty trong thị trường tài chính - ngân hàng tại Mỹ.

Đội ngũ trẻ trung, năng động; môi trường làm việc thân thiện, thoái mái.

Hotline cho Người tìm việc

Hotline hỗ trợ miền Nam

HCM: (028) 7109 2424

Hotline hỗ trợ miền Bắc

HN: (024) 7309 2424
Hotline cho Nhà tuyển dụng

Hotline hỗ trợ miền Nam

HCM: (028) 7108 2424

Hotline hỗ trợ miền Bắc

HN: (024) 7308 2424
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